Excel Do

This formula uses the WEEKDAY function to test dates for either a Saturday or Sunday. When given a date, WEEKDAY returns a number 1-7, for each day of the week. In it's standard configuration, Saturday = 7 and Sunday...
The goal of this example is to verify input before calculating a result. The key point to understand is that any valid formula can be substituted. The SUM function is used only as an example. The logic can also be...

Xcel Energy provides the energy that powers millions of homes and businesses across eight Western and Midwestern states. Figure 1: It's frustrating when Excel won't allow you to insert columns or rows. The first, and usually easiest, method is to delete all columns to the right of the active area of your worksheet. If you can't insert rows, delete all rows below the active area of your worksheet. Microsoft Excel is just one of them and it’s sometimes favored because: It’s a familiar software, so almost anybody who has used Microsoft Office will be able to create a to-do list easily. Excel has to-do list template features like conditional formatting that combine with reporting tools such as. With a new year comes a new budget and a chance to take control of your money. Whether you want to remodel your home or just want to keep on top of your personal or family budget, Money in Excel makes it easy to stay on track and reach your financial goals.

Conditional formatting is evaluated relative to every cell it is applied to, starting with the active cell in the selection, cell B3 in this case.To highlight matching rows, we use this logical expression:$B4=$K$5...
In the example shown, we want to mark or 'flag' records where the color is red OR green. In other words, we want to check the color in column B, and then leave a marker (x) if we find the word 'red' or 'green'. In D6,...
Note: this is a great example of a formula that is hard to understand because the cell references are hard to interpret. The gist of the logic used is this: if the time in row 4 is between the start and end times, the...
This formula relies on a technique called 'nested IFs' to handle a series of options and results. With nested IFs, one IF function is nested inside another, a process that is explained in some detail here.The formula...
This formula uses 4 named ranges, defined as follows:width=K6height=K7widths=B6:B11heights=C5:H5Conditional formatting is evaluated relative to every cell it is applied to, starting with the active cell in the...
When conditional formatting is applied with a formula, the formula is evaluated relative to the active cell in the selection at the time the rule is created. In this case, the active cell when the rule is created is...
In the example shown, we simply want to 'mark' or 'flag' rows where the color is 'red' AND size is either 'small' or 'medium'. To return TRUE when items are red and small, we can use a logical statement constructed with...
The behavior of the IF function can be easily extended by adding logical functions like AND, and OR, to the logical test. If you want to reverse existing logic, you can use the NOT function.In the example shown, we...
In the example shown, we want to 'mark' or 'flag' records where the color is either red OR green AND the quantity is greater than 10. The core of the formula is the logical test inside the IF function, which looks like...
In the image shown, the current date is August 24, 2019.Excel dates are serial numbers, so they can be manipulated with simple math operations. The TODAY function always returns the current date.Inside the AND...
The goal of this example is to verify input before calculating a result. The key point to understand is that any valid formula can be substituted. The SUM function is used only as an example. The logic can also be...
To do something specific when two or more conditions are TRUE, you can use the IF function in combination with the AND function to evaluate conditions with a test, then take one action if the result is TRUE, and (...
The AND function takes multiple arguments and returns TRUE only when all arguments return TRUE. The DATE function creates a proper Excel date with given year, month, and day values. Because the reference to B4 is fully...
Excel Do
This formula relies on the AND function to test two conditions at the same time: Count of words from named range inc is >0 Count of words from named range exc is =0If both conditions are TRUE, the formula...
The trick with this approach is the calendar header (row 4), which is just a series of valid dates, formatted with the custom number format 'd'. With a static date in D4, you can use =D4+1 to populate the calendar....
Note: this is a great example of a formula that is hard to understand because the cell references are hard to interpret. The gist of the logic used is this: if the time in row 4 is between the start and end times, the...
Data validation rules are triggered when a user adds or changes a cell value.The AND function takes multiple arguments (logicals) and returns TRUE only when all arguments return TRUE. The DATE function creates a...
This formula uses 4 named ranges, defined as follows:width=K6height=K7widths=B6:B11heights=C5:H5Conditional formatting is evaluated relative to every cell it is applied to, starting with the active cell in the...
This formula relies on a technique called 'nested IFs' to handle a series of options and results. With nested IFs, one IF function is nested inside another, a process that is explained in some detail here.The formula...

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The AND function takes multiple arguments and returns TRUE only when all arguments return TRUE. The TODAY function returns the current date. Dates in Excel are simply large serial numbers, so you can create a new...
Inside the AND function there are two logical criteria. The first is straightforward, and ensures that only cells that match the color in E5 are highlighted:$B3=$E$5The second test is more complex:$C3<=SMALL...
When conditional formatting is applied with a formula, the formula is evaluated relative to the active cell in the selection at the time the rule is created. In this case, the active cell when the rule is created is...
The challenge with lookup formulas that retrieve more than one match is managing duplicates (i.e. multiple matches). Lookup formulas like VLOOKUP and INDEX + MATCH can easily find the first match, but it's much harder...

Excel Does Not Equal

The value in G5 is hard-coded. The formula picks up the value in G5, then subtracts the value (if any) in E6 and adds the value (if any) in F6. When the credit or debit values are empty, they behave like zero and have...