Ben Shapiro Knives Out

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. About Ben Shapiro Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter April 30, 2019 4:20 PM. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter. “We will take down the border, and we will tear out their hearts from their bodies. The Ben Shapiro Show. Apr 8th, 2021 #239 w/ Andrew. Apr 7th, 2021 #238 w/ Michael. Apr 6th, 2021 #237 w/ Michael. Apr 1st, 2021 #236 w/ Andrew. Ben Shapiro Reviews 'The Irishman' and 'Knives Out' (w/Andrew Klavan) - YouTube Ben Shapiro and Andrew Klavan discuss the new Martin Scorsese film 'The Irishman' and where it has failed.

Critics are saying that “The Last Jedi” director Rian Johnson’s latest film, “Knives Out,” makes its goal of taking “direct aim” at Trump supporters front and center.

According to Society Reviews, after debuting at Toronto International Film Festival, Rian Johnson’s latest outing has garnered a certified fresh 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with critics all over social media heaping praise upon it for having the not-so-courageous audacity to mock Trump supporters and “white entitlement” in a town packed with hardcore members of the anti-Trump #resistance.

“KNIVES OUT is a fun ‘f*** you’ to rich white Trump voters, wrapped in a crafty Agatha Christie package. VERY pro-immigration. And none of this is subtle. Enjoy it in a crowd,” said film critic Tomris Laffly.

“Congrats to [Rian Johnson] for writing the most telenovela of films. KNIVES OUT is a total blast and a total takedown of privilege, gringos, and perceptions through a genre that’s very missed,” said film critic Yolanda Machado.

“KNIVES OUT is a ton of fun: a slippery, stylised murder mystery, littered with zingers, that also operates as a satire of Trump’s America. I also enjoyed the Baby Driver reference,” said Nick de Semlyen of Empire Magazine.

Ben Shapiro Knives Out Video

“KNIVES OUT is a total delight from start to finish. It’s also a scathing indictment of American greed in the Trump era. I’ll have more on that when the movie opens in November,” said Matt Goldberg of Collider.

“One of many things I love about Knives Out — it takes DIRECT aim at the MAGA crowd,” said Brian Tallerico of

“Knives Out” is a whodunnit story of the Agatha Christie-style in which several members of a rich white family seek to uncover the mystery behind their patriarch’s death. The film also stars vocal anti-Trump actors Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Michael Shannon among others. David Ehrlich of IndieWire referred to it as a “sharp takedown of white entitlement” and even described one of the characters as a “mini Ben Shapiro.”

Linda (Jamie Lee Curtis) built her own business from the ground up — she only needed a $1,000,000 loan from her daddy to do it. Joni (Toni Collette) is basically a glorified Instagram influencer, and that’s probably working out great. Linda’s husband Richard (Don Johnson) is cheating on her. Even worse: He’s a Trump supporter. Walt’s teenage son Jacob (Jaeden Martell) may be the only other self-identified Republican in the family, but he’s basically a mini Ben Shapiro. And it’s not like the rest of the family are doing all that much to separate themselves from MAGA politics. They tell Marta that she’s ‘part of the family,’ but when it comes to splitting up Harlan’s will, well, things are going to get complicated. Let’s just say that the ‘I would have voted for Obama for a third term’ energy is strong with this crowd, every single member of which feels like they deserve what’s coming to them. And do they — they just don’t know what that is yet.

“Knives Out” will be released nationwide on November 27.

Host of 'The Ben Shapiro Show' and Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro (Screenshot)

On his daily Facebook Live podcast “The Ben Shapiro Show” yesterday, host and Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Wire Ben Shapiro brought attention to the recent spike in murders in London, saying, London’s reaction to the recent knife attacks “demonstrates what happens when an entire civilization loses their mind.”

“Soon, we’ll end up all sitting in blank rooms with no furniture because anything can be used as a—maybe pillows, but no, we could use pillows for suffocation,” stated Ben Shapiro. “So, eventually, we’ll all just be walking around like John Travolta in the bubble boy because that presumably will stop crime, not actually targeting criminals. Pretty amazing stuff, but demonstrates what happens when an entire civilization loses their mind and stops targeting criminality and starts instead pretending that the tools of criminality are more important than the criminals themselves.”


Ben Shapiro’s remarks came after a spate of murders in London, with most victims killed by knives, was addressed by “London’s mayor Sadiq Khan [who] announced broad new ‘knife control’ policies designed to keep these weapons of war out of the hands of Londoners looking to cause others harm,” reported The Daily Wire.

Below is a transcript of Ben Shapiro’s comments from his podcast on Monday:

“Okay, so, now I want to talk a little bit about some insanity that’s happening in Great Britain because this is truly crazy.

“So, apparently, there’s been a wild upswing in the amount of murder in London. Well, that’s not a tremendous shock considering that the demographics of London have changed. The policing in London has changed wildly. The mayor of London Sadiq Khan is really terrible at his job.

“But the murder rate in London now outstrips the murder rate in New York, which is pretty incredible, actually. Alright? The murder rate in Britain has always been extraordinarily low. This is why when people say, ‘Well, you know, you banned guns in Britain. That’s why the murder rate is low.’ The murder rate was low before the bans on guns, and the murder rate in Britain was always quite low.

“But here is what it says, according to Today Online, ‘On Thursday (April 5), five teenagers were stabbed in an hour and a half before sunset, including a boy of 13.

“‘All [of] these attacks took place in London over the past week, part of an apparent spike in violence in the British capital. After a long period of steady declines in violent crime, the city has averaged in excess of three killings a week so far this year.

“‘More than 50 people have been killed in London since the start of 2018. The total for all of 2017, a year when the city suffered multiple deadly terrorist attacks, was 116.

“‘Criminologists have expressed caution about drawing conclusions from only a few months’ figures, but if the uptick continues, it will amount to London’s highest level of violence in more than a decade.

“‘A year with 200 homicides, for a city of more than 8.5 million people, would be far from a shocking high in the [U.S.]. New York City… had 292 murders last year, according to the 2018 Police Commissioner’s Report[. That] was a record low,’ but right now, London’s murder rate is outstripping the murder rate in New York City, which is, again, a pretty incredible thing.

“So, I do love what they are now talking about in London. They are now talking about banning knives – no joke. So, they’re using the exact same logic they used about guns, and now they are applying it to knives.


“So, Sadiq Khan has announced a broad new knife control policy designed to keep ‘weapons of war’ out of the hands of Londoners looking to cause others harm. The U.K. parliament is considering bills that would restrict the manufacture and purchase of kitchen cooking knives because they have points on them, because they’re pointy things. So, I guess machetes would still be okay – like the one that that guy used a couple of years ago, that Muslim terrorist used to chop down an actual British soldier on the streets of, on the streets of London. That’ll still be okay because, as we all know, machetes aren’t really dangerous. Like, from every horror film, we know machetes aren’t dangerous. Only knives are dangerous. But they are going to start determining how exactly knives are distributed.

“‘The “tough, immediate” measures involve an incredible police crackdown, a ban on home deliveries of knives and acid, and expanding law enforcement stop-and-search powers so that police may stop anyone they believe to be a threat, or planning a knife or acid attack.

“‘Khan announced Friday that the city has created a “violent crime taskforce of 120 officers” tasked with rooting out knife-wielding individuals in public spaces, and is pumping nearly $50 million into the Metropolitan Police department so … they can better arm themselves against knife attacks. He's also empowering the Met Police to introduce “targeted patrols with extra stop and search powers for areas worst-affected,” according to a statement.’

“Now, what’s really kind of hilarious here is that one of the reasons that the crime rate is going up is because ‘Khan is responsible for,’ according to Emily Zanotti at The Daily Wire, ‘decreasing the number of stop-and-searches, having previously declared the tactic racist and potentially Islamophobic.’ So, in other words, he got rid of stop and frisk in London, saying that it was targeting too many young Muslim guys, and then the crime rate went up. And now he’s going to target everyone.

“It’s not really clear what they’re going to use in London to cut their food anymore if you can’t get a home delivery of a knife. And if you’re not allowed to carry it home, how do you actually get the knife from the department store home?

Ben Shapiro Knives Out Youtube

“‘Parliament is … set to take up heavy “knife control” legislation when it resumes this week. The U.K. government is expected to introduce a ban on online knife sales and home knife deliveries.’ So, now you have to go to a store to purchase a knife. Maybe you have to have a license to purchase a knife. You have to have—what do you have to be a culinary specialist?

“‘[It] declare … “illegal to possess zombie knives and knuckledusters in private” — “zombie knives” are those defined as being manufactured for the purpose of being used as a person-to-person weapon — and ban sales of caustic materials to anyone under the age of 18.’ Of course, that won’t really top anything because most of these acid attacks that have been occurring are occurring among people who are late teenagers or older.

Ben Shapiro Knives Out

“‘London has seen a dramatic uptick in murder rates,’ of course. So, again, it ain’t about the knives, folks. Maybe you ought to look at the people who are wielding the knives. Maybe you ought to be looking at the people who are actually performing the acid attacks.

Knives Out Based On Book

“But since we’re not allowed to do that, we’re going to crack down on knives. And then we’ll crack down on fists. And then we’ll crack down on any blunt object in your home. You won’t be allowed to have any blunt objects. Soon, we’ll end up all sitting in blank rooms with no furniture because anything can be used as a—maybe pillows, but no, we could use pillows for suffocation. So, eventually, we’ll all just be walking around like John Travolta in the bubble boy because that presumably will stop crime, not actually targeting criminals. Pretty amazing stuff, but demonstrates what happens when an entire civilization loses their mind and stops targeting criminality and starts instead pretending that the tools of criminality are more important than the criminals themselves.”